I have never taken a keen interest in
Australian history, but I enjoyed week two's reading more than I thought
I would have.
I honestly do not think I have ever
seriously contemplated exactly what the British took away from the Indigenous Australians when they “settled” here.
The concept of terra nullius robbed the
Aboriginal people of acknowledgement that their customary law was not only present
at the time the British arrived, but that it was viewed by them as extremely
valuable, and was something passed down from their ancestors and considered to
be of the upmost sacredness. In
saying this though, I am also quite glad for the Doctrine of Reception, as I do
not particularly want to live under the Customary law of the Aboriginals.
It is amazing to see the evolution of Australian law and the constant efforts
to refine the maintenance of justice within the Australian legal system. It makes me feel comfortable and
hopeful that I am living in a society and country that is not only already some
what advanced in freedoms, rights and equality, but is constantly working
toward a better and more just future for it's citizens.